Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OC Art & Culture Magazine

This link is an interview I did for the OC Arts & Culture Magazine just a few weeks ago and will hopefully give you some insight into why I do what I do. Enjoy!! http://ocartsandculture.com/2010/08/artist-spotlight-jenn-schepp/

Thursday, July 29, 2010


 My recent fascination with horizons has inspired a new series and the following are just a few new additions. Whether it is the way light reflects on the ocean or the colors of sunsets sweeping across the sky I just can't get enough.

Monday, July 12, 2010

This piece is called renewed hope. I have been inspired by contrasting colors as well as the use of light and the dramatic effect it can have.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Work

As most people on the west coast know it has been raining a lot these last few months and well I'm not much of a rain lover. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good down pour once in a while, but being from Arizona I prefer to stay dry. Alas, I have been inspired by the sky that has been surrounding me and have since been using a lot of blues and grays in my new pieces. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This piece was inspired by a sculptural piece I did for a fundraising event with Tom's Shoes and Krochet Kids. It's called be bold and as you can see it is quite different from most of my work. I loved the challenge and while this was extremely labor intensive, it was after all, a labor of love.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I just updated my website with an " in reality " gallery. I am hoping that people will see my art can work in many different styles of homes. The photo shoot for this was really fun and motivated to keep on keeping on.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is one of three that was inspired by the sprinkling of color popping up all around us. It's called confetti.