Monday, December 1, 2008


After 5 years I attempted to recreate my most popular piece, Wingin It.. I am quite thrilled with the results and even more so that the technique came back to me.


I enjoyed creating this piece and I call it tension. Your eye isn't sure what to focus on, the bright gold or the dark blues. In fact it was not one of my favorites but has really grown on me.


This was the piece that I was commissioned to do and I am happy with the way it came out. It was a bit bluer then the other piece but the overall texture came out well..


My website went up about a month ago ( and two days later I received a call from a man in LA wanting some art for his new office. It was a thrilling and nerve racking experience. A few things I have learned. 1. Always get a deposit 2. Always have a contract signed 3. It is still my artwork and while they wanted a recreation of one of my pieces it still has to represent my style. The hardest thing during this time was not being overwhelmed with exactly duplicating the piece but using the same techniques and trusting in myself. Everything went well and I am told they love the art.. And the beat goes on.